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1. How about the properties of composite coils? What's the difference between mid - and high-end products?

The compressive strength is 26-64mpa and the bending strength is 3.1-6.4MPa. For other parameters, please refer to the report of national quality supervision and inspection center. Functions: anti-seepage, anti-crack control, fast coagulation, green, anti-corrosion, intelligent and elastic anti-collision multi-functional models. The high-end products are made of fiber mesh material with multi-functional formula of anti-seepage and crack control through different composite processes. Its resistance to deformation, impact and drape is very good, flame retardant, not only has the strength and life of concrete, but also has the toughness of fiber, is an excellent waterproof material. You say it is cloth, it is concrete, you say it is concrete, it is excellent waterproof material. It is suitable for laying canal slope protection, river course, roof, tunnel, steep slope and emergency rescue flood control and other broad fields. This material has a wide range of application. Medium and high-end composite coil fiber is compounded by special process. The difference lies in different fiber density and formula, and the price is moderate. Can be arbitrarily cut, product life with concrete.

宁波和谐信息科技有限公司 手机:13336605206 电话:13336605206 邮箱:nbhx235@163.com 地址:浙江省宁波市鄞州区院士路66号
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